Sunday, April 11, 2010

Ponder This:

This post is dedicated to subjects that I have been keeping tab on recently that I have not had the time to sit down and make any official posts about... if one of these subjects gives you some inspiration for topic discussion, fire away in my comments section and I’ll continue any discussions that spur from this, because they are all pretty interesting topics for consideration...

Freud Topics:

1. Does coming to a perfect understanding of individual "forms" allow us to understand and use our Superconscious Intuition?
(Superconscious Intuition: the ability to realize that there is something wrong before it happens, i.e. having that unsettling feeling in your stomach right before you enter the spooky looking house that might collapse on you).

2. Can we somehow quantify the unconsciousness? And if we can... would Freud be right about his assumptions about what was going on in the unconscious?

Hobson and Soames:

3. If dreams are repressed thoughts from being an infant, then what do infants dream?

4. If dreaming is a very deep powerful state of otherworldly consciousness, then do the states of "high" and "hallucinating" just alter our consciousness enough that we are still awake, but feel like we are approaching the familiar state of dreaming, and thus allowing ourselves to explore our unconsciousness more thoroughly? (Have fun with this one)

Response to Julie's Post

This is a response to Julie's post about perfect society.

I think that my favorite piece of this whole statement is that you specifically say that there is no perfect organization to what can and must be. This is such a true statement, and a lot of people underestimate it. What people don't realize is that no matter how much you disagree with certain things about life, there can never be something that satisfies every single opinion. We each need our own little slice of heaven that is reserved for the ones that you are compatible with, and can share a view of perfection.

When it really comes down to it though, you are sort of right, we need some chaos in life to make things interesting from time to time. We are tragic creatures, we strive only for our own perfection in the world, but even if we could have it, there would be so little to occupy our mind, because in the "perfect world" there is nothing left to strive for.

This is a tricky problem to overcome, but the real answer is humbling: we can only have true perfection when we allow ourselves to enjoy the simple things, like gardening for food, and sewing your own clothing... (Whats so bad about doing the dishes by hand sometimes?) My point is that we don't need to spend to much time looking for a group to conform to, we should just be, and appreciate how much fun it can be to just exist. :-)